10th Week Courses of Academic Study Programme

Tarih 05.01.2024
Birim Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

Within the Academic Study Programme organised by our Dean's Office, the 10th week lectures, the last programme of the semester, were held. Approximately 165 students participated in the programme held on Friday, 05 January 2024, before noon in the Nezahat Keleşoğlu Conference Hall of our Faculty.

In the first hour of the programme, which started at 09.00, within the scope of Qur'an-Hadith readings, the interpretation of Surah Beyyine was started by Prof. Dr. Kamil GÜNEŞ, a faculty member of the Department of Theology. After the break for tea, "Hasbihal" session was held as a block for the second and third hours within the scope of the last week programme of the semester. In this context, questions and messages from our students were emphasised. In addition to AKÇAP lessons and activities, evaluations were made about the suggestions and expectations of our students, some current issues and problems.