15 July National Unity Day

Tarih 25.06.2024
Birim Ereğli Vocational School of Health Services
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

July 15 is an important turning point in Turkey's democratic history. What happened that night showed how strong the Turkish people's belief in democracy, their commitment to their freedom and their spirit of national unity are. The meaning and importance of July 15 reminds us how vital it is to defend democracy, protect national unity and protect freedoms. Democracy and National Unity Day celebrates the extraordinary resistance and will of the Turkish nation in unity and solidarity. It emphasizes the Turkish people's belief and determination in democracy. At the same time, this day provides an opportunity to commemorate our martyrs and appreciate their sacrifices. We commemorate with mercy and gratitude all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this homeland, especially Hero Ömer Halisdemir. Our martyrs and veterans made history on the night of July 15 with their courage, resilience, determination and upright stance. Undoubtedly, our martyrs will always maintain their special place in our hearts. From now on, we will remember them wholeheartedly every year on July 15, Democracy and National Unity Day, and pass on their memories to future generations.
 On this occasion, we started our Commemoration Ceremony with a 1-minute silence for our martyrs and veterans with the participation of Ereğli Health Services Vocational School Faculty Members and students. We then sang the National Anthem and then made a comprehensive presentation accompanied by high resolution photographs describing the events of that night. After the Commemoration Ceremony, we held a Flag Run in the name of Martyr Ömer Halisdemir. We took group photos for national unity and solidarity in the presence of our red flag that we sacrificed our lives for. After our race, we screened the movie Börü (2018), which tells about the heroism of the night of July 15, together with the faculty members and students of our school.