1st Sector-Student Meeting Event Was Held

Tarih 03.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
SDG Quality Education, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The first Sector-Student Meetings, organized by the Aviation and R&D Community of our faculty, took place with great interest. The event was enriched with the participation of competent names in the fields of aviation and defense industry. Engineers from BAYKAR Technology Company and the founder of Time2GO Study Abroad and Consultancy also took part in the event.

Important topics such as the defense industry sector and study abroad provided a platform to answer the questions of the participants and created a wide-ranging discussion environment. Aerodynamic design engineer Onur Kesimoglu, aerodynamic analysis engineer Halil Yıldırım, and Time2GO founder Mustafa Kucukcopur attended the event.

This important event was supported by the faculty administration. This event, where students came together with industry professionals to share their experiences and exchange ideas about their future, was highly appreciated. The event, which attracted great interest, provided students with an important experience.

URL: https://www.erbakan.edu.tr/havacilikveuzaybilimleri/haber/505265/1-sektor-ogrenci-bulusmasi-etkinligi-gerceklestirildi