24 May World Schizophrenia Day

Tarih 24.05.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being

What is 24 May World Schizophrenia Day? World Schizophrenia Day commemorates Dr. It was created in honor of Philippe Pinel. The purpose of World Schizophrenia Day is; Our aim is to raise awareness of this disease, to combat myths and superstitions about schizophrenia in particular and all psychiatric diseases in general, to provide accurate information to people and to pave the way to break down the stigma and discrimination surrounding this much misunderstood disease. Although attitudes towards mental illness have changed in recent years, with more and more people (including celebrities) speaking out about their struggles with disorders such as depression or anxiety, there is still a lot of confusion and lack of education around schizophrenia. The reflections in the media largely support this situation. They are depicted as either artistic geniuses or aggressive individuals, rather than people struggling to manage the symptoms of a condition that distorts their perception of reality. Social stigmas associated with schizophrenia not only harm those diagnosed with the condition, they are also a safety issue for many. People with serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia are seen as dangers rather than victims. However, studies have shown that people with schizophrenia are up to 14 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes than those arrested as perpetrators. Unfortunately, negative attitudes about schizophrenia and behaviors such as social distancing, stigma and discrimination are passed down through generations. That's why days like World Schizophrenia Day are important to spread awareness. How to Spread Schizophrenia Awareness? We educate ourselves and our communities about physical health issues like heart disease. Similarly, it is equally important to initiate information sessions about mental illnesses, how to recognize them, and available treatment options. Educate yourself: Before you can start meetings about schizophrenia and provide others with accurate information about the condition, you must first educate yourself about it. This is the best way to spread awareness and break the wall of social misunderstanding about schizophrenia. Ask your loved ones how they are: Helping others starts with your inner circle. Talk to your family, partner and co-workers and ask them how they are doing. Listen to their answers and offer your support. If they give any indication that they are very stressed or depressed, let them know there are resources available. For example, mental health centers that can provide face-to-face or online support. Share your experience: Many people feel better and less lonely when they relate to others. So, if you've ever struggled with a mental health issue or illness, sharing your experience with others can help spread awareness and encourage them to talk about their struggles and get help. Use polite language: While you can't control everything people say or do, you can try to gently ask others to consider the impact of their words. Any language that enforces the stigma of mental illness is harmful and can cause someone diagnosed with a disorder such as schizophrenia to feel bad and be discouraged from getting help. Volunteering: Spending time volunteering at community centers, mental health organizations, or events not only offers realistic, in-person education about what these disorders “look like,” but also allows you to encourage others and be present. Take advantage of social media: Social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok are great platforms where you can spread schizophrenia awareness.