A Bottle Collected Today Campaign for a Clean Environment for the Future

Tarih 09.05.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water

As Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, we carried out a Clean Environment Campaign for a Bottle Collected Today for the Future. Within the scope of the campaign, our students who collected 20 pet water bottles and brought them to our staff were entitled to one free meal. In addition, a surprise gift was presented to the student who collected the highest number of bottles until the end of the semester. The campaign was announced to our students through posters hung at various points of our faculty. At the stand set up in our faculty at the beginning of the campaign, our staff explained to the students the harm of randomly thrown plastic bottles on nature and the aims of the campaign. Our campaign, which had a strong participation, aimed to raise environmental awareness in our students, to convey the importance of separating recyclable garbage to our students, and to establish the application of this theoretical knowledge as a behavioral pattern.

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdWEFPpNEW1/