A Healthy Living Workshop was held within the scope of 31 May No Tobacco Day.

Tarih 29.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of May 31st World No Tobacco Day, in the workshop held by TBM Formator Tuba Kılıçarslan and modarated by Dr. Zeliha Ustun Argon,  information was given about tobacco use, addictions, the harms to tobacco users and to  their environment, and how to get rid of this addiction.  In addition to the information provided, activities, team games and role-plays were also held in the workshop, where a better understanding of the concepts mentioned and the importance of family and environmental support regarding addictions were also discussed. The workshop, which also featured colorful times, ended with the presentation of a plaque.