A technical trip was organized for the students of the Department of Food Processing to Konya Şeker-Seydibey facilities.

Tarih 11.12.2022
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of the Food Science and Technology course, a technical trip was organized to Konya Şeker-Seydibey Agricultural Products Processing Integrated Facilities, one of the leading companies of our region and the sector, for the students of the Flour and Bakery Products Technology Program of the Food Processing Department of our school. Giving information about the technical trip, the Head of the Department of Food Processing, Assist. Asst. Hakan VATANSEV stated that the production of frozen potatoes and potato starch, which is an important food production area in the processing of potatoes grown in our country and transforming them into different products, provides significant added value to the country's economy, so they provide training to their students in order to contribute to the need for qualified intermediate staff who can work in these production areas. He said that they thanked the Chief Executive Officer of Anadolu Birlik Holding, Facility Director Mehmet Fatih DÖNMEZ and his team for their interest and hospitality.
