Academic Skills and Scientific Research Course for Postgraduate Students: Konya 2024

Tarih 22.08.2024
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of the event supported by the TÜBİTAK-BİDEB 2237-A Scientific Education Activities Support Program; it was aimed to provide young scientists in the field of health sciences with skills such as ethical concepts, effective presentation, etc. in their education-career processes. In addition, it was aimed to contribute to academic activities such as creating awareness about TÜBİTAK support programs, effective project writing and increasing interdisciplinary cooperation.

5 faculty members from 3 different universities participated in the event held at Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Medicine under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Selim KUTLU, and a total of 30 scientists from 6 different universities participated as trainees. Before the program, event materials (name badges, note pages, pens, event program, etc.) were presented. Stationery, lunch and tea-coffee treats were covered by the event budget.

Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Şükrü Nail GÜNER paid a courtesy visit and expressed his support with opening speeches.

5 groups were formed according to the demands and areas of expertise, and they were asked to prepare a draft TUBITAK-1002 project proposal. Advisor faculty members contributed technically. Prepared project examples were presented and evaluated. Information was also provided about the TUBITAK project evaluation process and panel system. At the end of the event, a panel simulation was carried out, prepared projects were evaluated and technically discussed.

At the end of the event, certificates were presented to the participants and trainers, and souvenir photos were taken. Event lecture notes, photographs and supporting documents were shared with all participants.