Academic Study Programme 3rd Week Lectures

Tarih 03.11.2023
Birim Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

The third week lectures were held within the Academic Study Programme organised by our Deanship. Around 280 undergraduate students participated in the programme and this week's lectures were held on 3rd November 2023 at the Nezahat Kelesoglu Conference Hall and 3rd lecture hall of our Faculty.

In the first hour of the programme, which started at 09.00, our dean Prof. Dr. Kamil GÜNES continued the exegesis of Surah Fatiha. In the book analysis course in the second hour, Assoc. Assist. Ömer Faruk DEMİRCİ discussed his book "Hamza". In the third hour of the programme, Prof. Dr. Ahmet YAMAN gave a seminar on "On the Classification of Sciences". In the fourth hour, AKÇAP students who are preparing for postgraduate education were given a seminar. Assist. Ali Rıza IŞIN gave a seminar  titled "The Importance of Foreign Language in Academia - 1".