Academicians Gathered at the International Symposium for a Greener World

Tarih 19.10.2023
Birim Faculty of Engineering
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Hosted by our university; The "International Environmental Sciences and Engineering Research Symposium", organized in cooperation with Konya Technical University, Malasia Terenggamu University, Barletti University, University of Maryland, Elbasanit University, Meram Municipality and our University Publishing House, was opened.

At the event held at the Conference Hall of the Engineering Faculty of our University Köyceğiz Campus, the symposium coordinator, Konya Technical University Faculty Member Prof., was the first to come to the podium. Dr. Şükrü Dursun wished that the symposium, where 7 posters, 56 oral presentations and nearly 70 presentations in total will be made from 9 different countries, will be beneficial.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organization of the program, especially the organization coordinators Prof. Dr. Şükrü Dursun and Dr. Lecturer Thanking member Fatma Kunt, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of our University, Prof. Dr. Semih Ekercin stated that there were very valuable participants and wished the symposium to be productive and successful.

“Turkey is Doing Its Part for a Green World”
Our Vice Rector Prof. emphasized the importance of working to leave a livable world to future generations. Dr. Ali Kahraman said, “Recently, everyone has been discussing the impact of climate change and greenhouse gases. It should not be forgotten that; Our country is doing its part to ensure improvement in this regard. One of the 5 headings in the 2053 Vision Document announced by our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is 'Sustainable Development'... The basis of Sustainable Development is climate change; that is, green buildings, green industry, green campus and green cities... Thank God, very valuable work is being done on this subject in Konya, which will set an example for other provinces. There is also a slogan like this; "Konya is not green within itself, it is Konya within green." Hopefully, we will see the verification of this slogan as a result of diligent work. "I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the congress and hope that the symposium will make serious contributions to the world of science," he said.

“We are taking sincere steps for a livable environment”
Underlining that Turkey attaches importance to every work done on 'Climate Change' and 'Zero Waste', Meram Mayor Mustafa Kavuş said, "As an indicator of our sincere approach on this issue as a country, the Zero Waste Movement, established under the leadership of First Lady Emine Erdoğan, was held at the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations. It turned into an environmental movement with the support of 105 countries. We, as the Republic of Turkey, our government and local administrators, are taking sincere steps towards a more livable environment and we will continue to do so. We believe that a more equitable sharing is needed for a more livable environment. 'World population is increasing, resources are not enough for humanity.' That said, we cannot throw away one-third of the food produced. We cannot talk about fair sharing when the number of children dying of hunger is the same as the number of children dying of obesity. Our world, which has hosted humanity for centuries, is waiting to be saved from humanity again today. The world will be saved by people who are concerned about this issue and can work individually and collectively on it. The world will be saved by people who think about a more equitable distribution and strive for this with science and common sense. "Then our tomorrow will be more livable than our present," he said. Following the speeches, the opening ceremony of the symposium ended with the presentation of a plaque of appreciation and flowers to the stakeholders.