Accreditation evaluation visit

Tarih 15.01.2024
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Your Accreditation Report (AR) has been evaluated by ASSOCIATION FOR EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. As a result of the evaluation, it was determined that you met the basic standards according to the information and documents you defined in the AR, and your institution was found suitable for the evaluation visit. Attached to this article; The visit date determined for your faculty and the contact details of the team members and the team leader are provided. The institution visit program starts following this letter and the visit program is finalized by discussing with the team leader. Institutional visits are for the purpose of on-site evaluation of whether the standards you specified in the self-assessment report are met. ASSOCIATION FOR EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS visit team at your faculty; They will meet with different stakeholders such as management, AR preparation team, faculty members, students, observe the infrastructure and facilities on site, and as a result, prepare a visit report and submit it to ASSOCIATION FOR EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Your faculty's accreditation application will be evaluated within the framework of the AR evaluation and visit report and will be finalized by ASSOCIATION FOR EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION OF MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS in April-May 2024 and you will be informed. The visiting teams of the institutions to be visited in the 2024 period were randomly selected among our Evaluation and Monitoring Visit Commission members who have received training on this subject and signed the CODE OF ETHICS document available on our website.