''Aksoy, R., İnce, İ., Mimiroglu, İ.M., Esen, Ö.,“Provenance and geological and geomechanical properties of building stones used in the construction of the Lyrbe ancient city (Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey) Publication Study named "Environmental Earth Science

Tarih 18.05.2021
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

Publication Study Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Art History, Department of Early Christian and Byzantine Arts. Instructor It was realized with the contributions of its member İlker Mete MİMİROĞLU. The publication, which introduced the origin, geological and geomechanical features of the building stones used in the construction of the ancient city of Lybre, was also published by Assoc. Dr. Rahmi AKSOY, Assoc. Dr. İsmail İNCE and Lecturer. See. They created it together with Omur ESEN. The publication work has been productive in terms of presenting a different interpretation and perspective to the readers who are interested in the fields of the mentioned academic staff and who are educated in those fields, and with its contribution to the scientific world.