Aliya İzzetbegovic: Freedom Struggle and Islamic Thinker TV show

Tarih 17.10.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for The Goals

In the Different View program broadcast on Diyanet TV, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Hakki Akin and Assoc. Dr. Faruk Karaarslan talked about “Aliya İzzetbegovic: Freedom Struggle and Islamic Thinker”. Aliya İzzetbegovic's life and thoughts were commemorated on the anniversary of his death. The importance of the freedom struggle he fought in the Bosnian War and the importance of the personality he displayed throughout this struggle were emphasized. His struggle for freedom is not independent of Islamic thought and practice. In his thought, freedom and morality are the basic values ​​that elevate human beings and distinguish them from other beings. Islam ensures that these two values ​​coexist harmoniously. Aliya was concerned about the distance between Islam and Muslims, not only during the war but throughout his life. He argued that the way to overcome this is to understand and live Islam. Link: