Alumni Meeting: On Communities

Tarih 21.05.2024
Birim Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth

The seminar titled "Alumni Meeting: On Communities", moderated by our Faculty's Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Doctor Lecturer Berna MADALI KAFES, with Dietitian Mine TEMİZ as the speaker, was held on 21.05.2024 at 17:00 in our Faculty's D5 hall. University student societies students; To help their academic, social, cultural, artistic and sports development, to protect their physical and mental health, and to raise them as individuals with investigative and creative qualities. Student clubs work in coordination with advisors and members and organize events in line with the demands of students and members, and with these events, they help the student adapt to working life after graduation and improve the person's social skills. It is an event that aims to provide information about the social and community activities in which students can improve themselves, the school communities and the activities they can do, and the projects and activities they can develop with their department communities, in addition to the theoretical and practical training they receive during their undergraduate years. Our event aims to inform our students and include them in social activities by conveying the experiences of our students who have previously graduated from our department and have improved their social skills working in these fields. During the event, all participants, especially first-year nutrition and dietetics students, were told about the importance of communities, community activities and events, community work and the contributions of communities to social and working life. At the same time, discussions were held on possible negative situations as well as these advantages.