An Attempt to Read the History of Science in the Light of the Concept of Logos

Tarih 11.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
SDG Quality Education

As part of our Department Seminars, Assoc. Prof. Hacı KAYA will be held on December 11, 2023 at 14:00 speech titled “An Attempt at Reading the History of Science in the Light of the Concept of Logos” met with the audience. The event was held under the leadership of the Philosophy Activities Community and the Department of Philosophy.


In his speech, Hacı KAYA focused on “logos”, one of the basic concepts of Pre-Socratic Philosophy, and presented the “dialectical” adventure of logos within the stages of “thesis”, “antithesis” and “synthesis”. In the seminar, the concept of logos, which has been at work from Thales to the atomists, is necessity, It has been claimed that it is together with principle and reason, and it has been claimed that the "necessary" movement of logos, which progresses from nature to reason and from the law of nature to the law of mind, has been and will continue to be manifested in the particular theories of science. After KAYA's speech, questions were taken and the event was ended.