An Aviation Conference Was Organized with the Contributions of the R&D Innovation Community

Tarih 02.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We hosted our honorable guests Alper Toklu, Saffet Ozgun, and Mehmet Akif Guzel at the Aviation Conference event organized by our faculty's R&D & Innovation Community. In addition to the valuable information provided by our guests during the conference, KTO Karatay Pilotage Department students brought the 'Flight Simulation', which added fun to the event, to our faculty for our school students. At the end of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences Prof. Dr. Murat DILMEC, and R&D & INNOVATION community advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beyzanur CAYIR ERVURAL presented gifts to our guests and thanked them. We would like to thank our guests for the event, our students in the organization team who contributed to the event's organization, and all participants.