An Overview of Crimes Regulated in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works

Tarih 20.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 20/12/2013, a presentation was given at the Copyright Academy, organised by the Social Innovation Agency, entitled " An Overview of Crimes Regulated in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works". Within the scope of this presentation, the following information was given in summary: Information about the work and the author of the work, the owner of any of the rights in the work, or the periods and conditions for the use of the work, which are on copies of the work or which appear during the presentation of the work to the public, and the numbers or codes representing this information, may not be removed or altered without authorization. Originals or copies of works whose information and the numbers or codes representing such information have been unauthorizedly altered or removed may not be distributed, imported for distribution, published or transmitted to the public.

In the event that the rights of authors and related right holders recognized in this Law are violated by service and information content providers through means of signal, sound and/or image transmission, including digital transmission, the works subject to the violation shall be removed from the content upon the applications of the right holders. For this purpose, the natural or legal person whose rights have been infringed shall first apply to the information content provider and request the cessation of the infringement within three days. If the infringement continues, this time, upon the application made to the public prosecutor, the service provider is requested to stop the service provided to the information content provider who continues the infringement within three days. If the infringement is stopped, the service is restored to the information content provider.