Animal Nutrition

Tarih 27.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Life on Land

Stray animals around the Faculty of Law were fed by our faculty lecturer Dr. Banu Bilge Sarıhan. The general nutrition of these animals is taken care of. We have acted with the following awareness regarding the feeding of these animals: Stray animals in cities and towns are an integral part of daily life. Despite living in close proximity to humans, these creatures strive to survive on their own. The significance of feeding stray animals extends beyond their physical well-being, encompassing social responsibility and human values.

Feeding stray animals regularly alleviates their suffering from hunger and thirst. Well-nourished animals are more resilient to diseases and generally enjoy a better quality of life.

Beside improving their individual welfare, feeding stray animals plays a crucial role in cleaning up unhealthy waste in the environment. This contributes to maintaining environmental hygiene and supporting public health.

Feeding stray animals also reflects a sense of social responsibility by fostering empathy and sensitivity. When a helping hand is extended, these animals can regain trust in humans.

In conclusion, feeding stray animals not only enhances their well-being but also strengthens people's awareness, fostering a vision of a more compassionate, understanding, and humane society. Taking responsibility for these creatures forms the foundation for a society that is more tolerant, empathetic, and respectful of human values.