Antibacterial water filter production with zeolite material Teknofest Project Support from our University

Tarih 12.03.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

As Necmettin Erbakan University faculty members, we hosted the teachers and students of Governor Necati Çetinkaya Secondary School in our Faculty of Engineering. They asked for support from our University in the stage of carrying out their project work on "Antibacterial water filter production with zeolite material" within the scope of TEKNOFEST competition under the supervision of Science Teacher Münevver ODABAŞI. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman GEMİ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuba Bahtlı, Faculty Members of our University, decided to support the project together. University faculty members, Science Teacher Münevver ODABAŞI, 6/G class students Emine Elif KUZU and Zeynep APAK created laboratory environments where production will take place. During the project, our university and faculty members announced that they will continue to support the project within their means. We would like to thank our esteemed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman GEMİ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuba Bahtlı for supporting Young Researchers and wish them success in their work.