Approach to a Traumatic Patient in the Field and Transfer to Hospital Case Presentation

Tarih 22.05.2024
Birim Health Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Life on Land

Many people are exposed to trauma as a result of losing balance or falling for various reasons during nature walks at high altitudes. Life-threatening problems may arise in a short time as a result of the trauma experienced. In the pre-hospital process, in order for the patient or injured person to hold on to life, many factors such as hypothermia and hypovolemia must be evaluated and treated together and transported to the hospital. On 22.05.2024, Lecturer. See. The importance of the subject was revealed with the event "Approach to a Traumatic Patient in the Field and Transfer to Hospital Case Presentation", which was carried out by the 1st Year students of the Department of Medical Services and Techniques First and Emergency Aid Program under the responsibility of Mustafa KARABULUT.