"Artificial Intelligence and Management/Governance" Conference

Tarih 31.05.2024
Birim Academy of Applied Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

About the Conference:

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are creating significant transformations in a wide range of areas from business to the public sector. The "Artificial Intelligence and Management/Governance" Conference aims to provide an in-depth look at the integration of these technologies into management and governance processes, opportunities and challenges.

Conference Objective:

The Role of AI in Governance: The focus will be on how AI technologies can be used in decision-making processes and how they are transforming leadership roles.
Ethics and Governance: Ethical dimensions of AI applications, data security, privacy and transparency will be discussed.
AI in the Public and Private Sector: Examples of AI applications in both public and private sectors and their impact on governance processes will be discussed.
The Future of AI: Potential changes and innovations that AI technologies will create on management and governance in the future will be evaluated.
