Assessing of the Works Created by Artificial Intelligence in terms of Intellectual Property Law

Tarih 21.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 21/12/2013, a presentation was given at the Copyright Academy, organised by the Social Innovation Agency, entitled " Assessing of the Works Created by Artificial Intelligence in terms of Intellectual Property Law".

            Within the presentation of the presentation, the issue of whether the works produced by artificial intelligence can be considered intellectual and artistic works and the ownership of the rights to these works are highlighted. In this context, first of all, what should be understood by intellectual and artistic works and the conditions of intellectual works according to the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works were touched upon, and as a result of the evaluation made, it was stated that the works directly created by artificial intelligence cannot be considered as intellectual and artistic works. At this point, in order for the law to keep pace with technical and social developments, the ideas put forward in the legal doctrine on the subject were included, and the necessity of protecting the works created by artificial intelligence by intellectual property law was put forward.

            If the works created by artificial intelligence systems are to be accepted as intellectual and artistic works, the issue of who will have the rights on these works is another important pillar of the issue. In this regard, the main opinions put forward in the legal doctrine were given, and various ideas that the artificial intelligence, the public, the software developer, the user or the operator may have rights on the works created by artificial intelligence were conveyed.

            As a result, the participants were provided with information on this area where artificial intelligence systems, which have become more widespread and popular in recent years, come into contact with the law.