Attendance to Nukus-Cultural Heritage Tour

Tarih 18.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Tourism
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Dr. Hasan Ali Erdogan, faculty member of the Department of Tourism Guidance of our faculty, participated in the Nukus-Cultural Heritage Trip organized in Karakalpakstan, where he was invited by the State Economic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Dr. Hasan Ali Erdoğon, who shared his own experiences at the State University of Economics, visited the Cultural Heritage Sites in Karakalpakstan as a delegation of scientific and sector representatives and received information. In this technical trip, Mizdakhan Necropolis, Red Fortress, Gavur Fortress, Jumart Kassab Mound, Shamun Nebi Tomb, Underground Mausoleum, Archaeological Excavation work areas and Nukus State Art Museum" were visited.