Automation and Digitalization in Logistics Conference

Tarih 14.05.2024
Birim Academy of Applied Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

"Automation and Digitalization in Logistics" program was held by the Logistics Knowledge Community within the Logistics Management department of our faculty on 14/05/2024 in the conference hall of our faculty. Logistics Knowledge Community advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Oktay Dündar spoke about the Digitalization and Future of Logistics in the opening speech of the program. Guests from SICK Sensors and Advanced Devices Control Inc. Logistics Automation Department Manager Ayşen Öztoprak and Branch Manager Berk Boyacı shared their knowledge about Automation and Digitalization in the logistics sector with the students.
At the end of the program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Oktay Dündar presented plaques to Ms. Ayşenur and Mr. Berk in memory of the day.