Be a sapling, a breath, a breath of hope

Tarih 21.03.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Climate Action, Life on Land

Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Vocational School, which set out with the slogan 'One sapling, one breath, be a breath of hope', organized a large sapling planting event in Köyceğiz campus. Trees, which are a living part of nature, are one of the indispensable elements of our lives. Students, administrators and academic staff of our school came together to contribute to nature. The event not only planted saplings, but also enabled them to have a pleasant time together. The participants experienced the peace of feeling in nature and the happiness of working together and touching nature. Our Meram Vocational School Director Assoc. Dr. Süleyman DOĞU organized this meaningful event not only by planting trees, but also by placing an important emphasis on the love and awareness of nature. We thank everyone who took a hopeful step for the future.