Big Data and Generative Artificial Intelligence Conference at Comrat State University

Tarih 07.05.2024
Birim Office of Big Data
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 07.05.2024,  Our staff working in the Big Data Coordinatorship, Lecturer. Dr. Mehmet OZKAYA visited KSU with the support of Erasmus + (within the framework of the program of academic mobility of teachers). Students from all faculties as well as teaching staff attended the Open Lecture. The theme of the Open Lecture was "Generative Artificial Intelligence and Data Management in the Big Data Ecosystem of Higher Education".  The questions of the Open Lecture covered the aspects of artificial intelligence big data management of the university, the process of information flow within the university starting with the stages of its accumulation and ending with decision making based on the results of analysis, as well as the aspects of tracking the world ranking of universities and the Internet space. Dr. MEHMET ÖZKAYA offered KSU for the period of the internship his consulting services on strengthening and accessibility of the website of KSU university.
