Book Aid from University Students to High School Students

Tarih 24.01.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Vocational School Private Security and Protection Program students gifted exam preparation books to high school students who will enter university within the scope of the Volunteer Studies course. The campaign was carried out in cooperation with Meram Youth Center and Meram Mehmet Akif İnan Anatolian High School.

The aim of the campaign was stated as improving the sense of solidarity and sharing among students, contributing to education and increasing the motivation of students taking the exam. The books collected within the scope of the campaign were delivered to high school students preparing for the university exam.

Private Security and Protection Program student Ayşegül Ekici, one of the students who participated in the campaign, said, “Thanks to the Volunteerism Course, we had the opportunity to improve both ourselves and our environment. We wanted to provide book support to our friends who will take the university exam, to give them morale and increase their success. “We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this campaign.” said.

Meram Youth Center Director Dilek Ceviz, who supported the campaign, said, “We appreciate this campaign carried out by the students of the Private Security and Protection Program with the spirit of volunteerism. As a youth center, we are ready to support all kinds of projects aimed at education and youth. The students who took part in the campaign and the instructor in charge of the course, Lecturer. See. We congratulate İrfan Arguz.” he said.

The instructor in charge of the course, Lecturer, gave information about the campaign. See. İrfan Arguz also stated that his students acted with the awareness of volunteering and embraced the spirit and content of the course. Arguz thanked the administrators and students of Meram Youth Center and Mehmet Akif İnan Anatolian High School for contributing to the campaign, and expressed his gratitude to the School administration for their contribution.