Breast Cancer Awareness Month Article

Tarih 21.10.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being

Breast Cancer Awareness and Awareness Month Breast cancer, which constitutes 30% of cancers seen in women, is one of the most common cancers in Turkey, as well as all over the world. Breast cancer is responsible for 15% of cancer-related deaths in women. World Health Organization (WHO) 2018 data revealed that 2.1 million women get breast cancer every year and 627,000 women die due to breast cancer. In 2018, 4264 women died due to breast cancer in Turkey. In the fight against breast cancer, which is a significant threat to women's lives, it is important to raise awareness of breast cancer risk factors and early diagnosis methods. In order to raise awareness worldwide, October (1-31 October) has been accepted as "Breast Cancer Awareness and Awareness Month" by the World Health Organization since 2004. To draw attention to breast health and early diagnosis methods, 15 October has been designated as "World Breast Health Day" and 26 October as "Pink Ribbon Wearing Day". Early diagnosis is vital in the fight against breast cancer. Breast cancer early diagnosis interventions include performing breast self-examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CMM) and mammography. Between the ages of 20 and 40, BSE should be performed once a month, and BSE should be performed every two years. In the age range of 40-69, BSE should be performed once a month, CBE should be performed once a year, and mammography should be performed every two years. In Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening and Training Centers (KETEM), free mammography is performed and BSE training is provided to women aged 40 and over. DON'T TELL ME NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. BE AWARE. GET YOUR SCANS DONE, DON'T MISS LIFE. REMEMBER “EARLY DIAGNOSIS SAVES LIVES.”