Career Conversation 1 - Interview Simulation in the Field of Health

Tarih 06.05.2024
Birim Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The "Career Conversation 1 - Interview Simulation in the Field of Health" conversation, moderated by Associate Professor Aydan YÜCELER, faculty member of our Department of Health Management, was presented by Lecturer Ali BOZGEDİK from NEU Career Center and Alumni Relations Coordination Office. In conversation Information was given on topics such as what to consider when preparing a CV, what kind of clothes to choose for the interview, what to have in written and verbal communication skills, and what to pay attention to in body language. Additionally, types of job interviews and questions that human resources may ask were discussed. After the information was given, an impromptu interview simulation was applied to the volunteer students. In this meeting, which took place through simulation, positive and negative scenarios were reviewed and feedback was provided to the student.