Career Days Event

Tarih 25.05.2022
Birim Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences
SDG Quality Education

Under the moderation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydan Yüceler, faculty member of the Department of Health Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Konya City Hospital ISP Center of Excellence Quality Specialist Kubilay Yılmaz, Bayburt University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Health Management Res. Asst. Emre Akgün, Istanbul Esenyurt University Vocational School of Health Services Lecturer. The "Career Days Event" was held in the form of a webinar with the participation of Asst. Buket Kaya, Ankara Haymana State Hospital Expense, Accrual and Purchasing Unit Public Loss Officer Muhammet Samet Aycan. Professionals and students were brought together and experiences were shared.