Career Planning Event for High School Students

Tarih 05.03.2024
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Gender Equality, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Chairman of the Promotion and Career Days Commission, Assoc. Dr. Bilgen ÖZLÜK and commission members Şükriye ESER and Zühal ÇETİNER, first-year students, introduced the Faculty of Nursing to 26 students from Bozkırlılar Foundation Girls Anatolian Imam Hatip High School who came to visit our faculty on 05.03.2024. The students were given a tour of the classrooms in our faculty. Students practicing on models in the laboratory were visited and explanations were made about the applications. Within the scope of career planning, our students who were accepted to the nursing department were informed about their annual base and ceiling ÖSYM scores and the fields of work of nurses. 2nd-year student Yağmur ERDEM, president of the Hand in Hand for Health Student Association mentions activities carried out for the social processes of students in university life. We thank Bozkırlılar Foundation Girls' Anatolian Imam Hatip High School teacher Mr. Ahmet TUĞLU for organizing this event.