Common Protozoan Diseases

Tarih 07.05.2024
Birim Ereğli Vocational School of Health Services
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation

Almost every parasite settles in a certain region of the human body, in a certain tissue, organ or cell. Arriving at its main settlement, the parasite first tries to ensure its own survival. When it is successful in this, it initiates the necessary procedures for the continuation of its generation. When the epidemiology of a parasitosis is mentioned, the interrelationships of the factors and conditions that determine the distribution and frequency of that parasitosis in human societies come to mind. Factors such as the sources of parasites, the ways in which the parasite emerges from these sources, the life span of the parasite, and the relationship between humans and animals play a role in epidemiology. A person may encounter any parasite in his life. For this reason, students were given awareness training about parasites that we may encounter in daily life, such as Amoebiosis, Giardiosis and Malaria, which can cause various infections in humans. In this context, images of the parasites under the microscope were examined.