Comparative Fiqh and Anglo-Saxon Legal System Readings 2

Tarih 07.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education

A workshop was organized in order for law school students to get to know different legal systems and to see how solutions are offered to current problems in these legal systems. In this study, Tuğrul Kütükçü, one of the research assistants of the Faculty of Law, made a presentation. Within the scope of this study, the similarities and differences between the Islamic legal system and the Anglo-Saxon legal system were explained to the students. Students were asked to evaluate the selected texts on a weekly basis. As the topic of this week, Haluk Songur's text titled "İslam Hukuku ve İngiliz Hukuku Mukayesesi Üzerine - Hukuk Tarihi Bakımından Bir Deneme" was examined and evaluated.