Conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Ottoman Empire

Tarih 27.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kılınç shed light on alternative dispute resolution methods in the Ottoman Empire in his conference. The conference focused on the various methods used to resolve disputes outside the official courts during the Ottoman period.

Kılınç paid special attention to the role of mediators known as muslihûn. These respected individuals helped to reconcile parties and resolve cases without going to court. Kılınç noted that muslihûn could be not only religious scholars, but also merchants, artisans and civil servants who were respected in society.

The speaker also emphasized that reconciliation agreements, called sulh, were also common in the Ottoman Empire. These agreements documented the dispute between the parties in writing and set out the terms that both parties undertook to abide by. Sulh agreements were used as a way to avoid lengthy and expensive litigation in the courts.