Dialysis Nursing in All Aspects

Tarih 14.11.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Gender Equality, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The "Nursing Days II- Dialysis Nursing in All Aspects" conference was held in cooperation with our Faculty's Department of Internal Medicine Nursing and the Faculty of Medicine Hospital. Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, It started with the speeches of Prof. Dr. Emel EGE and was moderated by the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine Nursing. Faculty of Medicine Hospital Care Services Directorate, faculty members of the Faculty of Nursing nurses, and students participated in the program conducted by Assoc. Dr. Selda ARSLAN. The program, in which Asuman DEDEOĞLU, the Hemodialysis Unit Responsible Nurse of the Faculty of Medicine Hospital, and Ayşe Filiz TAŞÇI, the Peritoneal Dialysis Unit Responsible Nurse, were speakers, was completed by giving certificates of appreciation and plaques to the speakers. We would like to thank our professors, students, and speakers who contributed to the organization of the program.
