Don't Be Anti-Vaccine, Don't Make Your Future Sick

Tarih 27.06.2024
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We have found that the society is biased and worried about getting vaccinated, and in our project we aimed to inform them correctly and also to resolve their questions. For this purpose, we have prepared our brochures and posters in a language that the society can understand. We hung our posters in the most conspicuous places of our hospital and distributed our brochures by dividing into groups on the Faculty of Medicine campus. We set up a stand at the same time and informed the people who visited our stand. In our brochures, we have covered the issues that pose the most question marks and focused on the issues that are known incorrectly. Our information was provided in a language that every age group can understand. We tried to answer and correct curious questions, concerns and prejudices.