Dr. Instructor Member I. A live broadcast organized by TUREV (Tourist Guides Foundation) was held with the presentation of "Byzantine and Christian Art of Konya" by Mete MİMİROĞLU.

Tarih 01.07.2021
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

Necmettin Erbakan University Art History Department lecturer, Dr. Instructor Member İlker Mete MİMİROĞLU made a presentation titled “Konya Byzantine and Christian Art” in his publication dated 01.07.2021. In this presentation, by giving general information about the history and geography of the region, the settlement of the region in the Byzantine period was mentioned. Christianity in the region, which has been home to important settlements since prehistoric times. It spread rapidly from the 1st century onwards, and many churches and monasteries were built during the Late Antiquity and Early Christian period. 7-9. The construction activities, which were interrupted during the Arab raids between the centuries, continued intensely until the second half of the 11th century, when the region was under Turkish rule. Traces of Byzantine religious architectural examples, most of which have not survived, can be understood from architectural pieces used as spolia in Seljuk and Ottoman buildings and stone works scattered around. It has been a useful live broadcast with awareness as well as knowledge. It is a great chance that this presentation, which was made during the pandemic process, is open to everyone.