Effective Communication and Body Language

Tarih 20.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education

Within the scope of workshops as the Design Department of our school, the 2nd workshop titled "Effective Communication and Body Language" was given by the Head of the Design Department, Lecturer. It was held by Serpil YAKUT at the Meram Vocational School Conference Hall with the intense participation of our students, school staff and professors.
Yakut underlines that communication, which he defines as mutual sharing of feelings and thoughts between two people, has an important place in every aspect of life; He stated that listening, good use of diction, good use of voice, correct management of body language and staying in touch with the other person are the most effective factors in developing communication skills.
Pointing out that people need to pay attention to some important points in order to communicate effectively, Yakut said: "Being an active listener, being tolerant and unprejudiced, being able to empathize, adjusting body language, address and tone of voice, being able to express ourselves correctly, being open to criticism, being natural." "The most important points are to make reassuring and consistent statements and to follow a conciliatory and constructive approach," he said.
Lecturer See. Serpil YAKUT contributed to the development and knowledge of the participants by answering their questions in the question-answer section held at the end of the training.