Emine Nihan Cici Karaboğa gave a conference titled “Sustainable Consumption Approaches: Conscious Consumer Conversations”.

Tarih 28.08.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Emine Nihan Cici Karaboğa, “Sustainable Consumption Approaches: Conscious Consumer Conversations” provided participants with an important opportunity to review our consumption habits. Throughout the conference, the importance of sustainable consumption not only for the environment but also for economic and social aspects was emphasized. Nihan made the subject more comprehensible by both including theoretical information and sharing her personal experiences. Her practical suggestions, especially on waste reduction, recycling and supporting local production, galvanized the audience. The most remarkable aspect of the conference was the interactive interaction with the participants. The questions in the question and answer session showed how much interest the topic attracted. Overall, the conference was both an informative and motivating experience.