Emoji Day: Inside Out-2 Movie Analysis and Sketch of Emotions

Tarih 17.07.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education

On the occasion of July 17 Emoji Day, with Pınar Akyüz a movie watching event was held under the coordination of Hümeyra Uslu Circir. The analysis of the movie Inside Out 2, which was watched within the scope of the event, was carried out within the framework of emotions. Lecturer. Pınar Akyüz stated that the film sheds light on the complexities of the human mind and the process of emotional development, and thanked the students who participated. Lecturer stated that the film mostly contains messages about the functions of emotions. Hümeyra Uslu Circir added that the film is informative about what is needed for healthy communication.
