Entrepreneurial Success from Model Rocket Team at TEKNOFEST

Tarih 04.09.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The Model Rocket team, consisting of students and graduates of our university's Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Departments, was entitled to receive 100 thousand TL Entrepreneurship Program Pre-Incubation support at TEKNOFEST BLACK SEA.   Model Rocket team members Enes Cankat, a graduate of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Hasan Şenyürek, a graduate student of Aeronautical Engineering, Mustafa Kamil Bozdoğan, a student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bünyamin Ordinary, a graduate of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, received their awards from T3 Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar, ASELSAN Chairman of the Board Haluk Görgün. He received it from TÜBİTAK President Hasan Mandal and Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır.   Providing information about their work, Model Rocket team member Enes Cankat said, “We participated in the TEKNOFEST Rocket Competition in 2018, 2019 and 2020. As a result of our work, we gained knowledge and experience in the field of aviation and space technologies. In light of this knowledge and experience, we opened the 'modelroket.com' website in 2020 and provided documentation for those who will work in this field in the following years. We produced and sold aviation and space technologies and equipment in 2021 and 2022. "We also carried out R&D and production activities for the engines used in rockets," he said.   Cankat also underlined that they aim to become a subcontractor company by making ongoing agreements with institutions in the field of aviation and space technologies, and to bring their own space vehicles to the sky with the experience they have gained from this.   We congratulate our students and graduates and wish them continued success.
