
Tarih 14.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

First, the definition of entrepreneurship is provided. In the most general sense, entrepreneurship is the initiative taken by an individual to start a business with the aim of making a profit and assuming the associated risks. Entrepreneurship has become a frequently discussed topic in recent years, especially with the advancement of technology. People are now making strides to bring their project ideas to life. The demanding working conditions in corporate companies and the desire to earn more money generally drive individuals towards embarking on new ventures.

Subsequently, the actions and avenues that students can take in the realm of entrepreneurship are discussed. The narrative explains what paths students should follow when planning their careers. Programs and projects that students can use for their careers and entrepreneurship endeavors are also mentioned.

Information is shared with students about programs and projects they can utilize for their careers and entrepreneurship. Finally, details are provided for students to reach out for further engagement.

Note: It's important to mention that this translation may not capture the exact tone and style of the original text, as translation involves some level of interpretation.