Every Ribbon is a Voice, Every Voice is a Breath

Tarih 28.11.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Gender Equality

The Women's Rights Community, which was established on a human rights-based line, especially women's rights, and which has been carrying out its activities for a year for this purpose, which is ultimately the first community in the faculty, held a ribbon-wearing event on November 28th to raise awareness for the week of combating violence against women. Adopting the slogan "Every ribbon is a voice, every voice is a breath", the event was organized with our teammates, accompanied by Asst. Prof Muradiye Çevikçelik accompanied by orange ribbons. The Orange Ribbon is the symbol of a movement based on women's rights and the theme of 2023 to raise awareness by the UN, "World Orange: End Violence Against Women Now!" to raise awareness.
In this event, an understanding that is small but multiplies as it is shared in the prevention of violence and that foresees the strength of unity, support for women who are firstly subjected to violence and then under the threat of being subjected to violence, and ultimately a faculty-wide awareness movement was aimed. Approximately fifty ribbons were prepared for this purpose and worn by the participants.

Finally, the outcome of this event is to protect and promote human rights, especially women's rights, to prevent discrimination and ensure equal treatment of persons, to effectively combat torture and ill-treatment, and to raise awareness against violence against women as a violation of human rights. In this direction, ribbons will be worn in the upcoming events, a human rights-based understanding will be drawn within the framework of awareness-raising activities, and the lives of victimized women will be pointed out and a call will be made to pay attention to the rights, safety and privacy of victims.