Examples of Using Artificial Intelligence in Turkish Language Teaching (Primary School 3-4th Grade)

Tarih 16.05.2024
Birim Ahmet Kelesoğlu Faculty of Education
SDG Quality Education

In the second session of the project titled "Developing Digital Material Design Competencies of Prospective Classroom Teachers with Artificial Intelligence Software" supported by TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Programme, prospective classroom teachers, teachers and academicians participated in the activity. Firstly, activities that can be used for reading comprehension at the primary school Turkish third grade level with artificial intelligence tools were included. Afterwards, examples of applications with artificial intelligence tools, especially for the development of creative writing skills at the fourth grade level of primary school, were mentioned. Approximately 30 pre-service primary school teachers, 3 primary school teachers and 1 lecturer participated. It was observed that the awareness of the participants increased.  

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