Faculty Advisory Board Meeting was held

Tarih 06.02.2024
Birim Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In the meeting held with the participation of internal and external stakeholders of our faculty, the work that our faculty can do in the fields of education, social contribution and research and development was discussed. The suggestions and expectations of our external stakeholders were listened to and cooperation opportunities were evaluated.

Under the chairmanship of our Dean Prof. Dr. Kamil Güneş, our vice deans Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Erdoğan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Derviş Dereli, as well as the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences Prof. Dr. Hayri Erten, Konya Provincial Mufti Prof. Dr. Ali Öge, Konya Provincial Deputy Director of National Education Mustafa Yılmaz, Karatay District Director of National Education Sami Sağdıç, Konya Metropolitan Municipality Culture and Social Affairs Department Head Ahmet Çalışır, Konya Regional Director of Manuscripts Bekir Şahin, International Theology Programme Coordinator Halil İbrahim Coşkun from the Religious Foundation of Turkey, İbrahim Topçuoğlu from the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services, Prof. Dr. Osman Zahid Çifoğlu from Selçuk Faculty of Theology as a peer institution. Prof. Dr. Osman Zahid Çifçi, Erasmus Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tala, Secretary General of Mevlana Development Agency İhsan Bostancı, Mahmut Sami Ramazanoğlu Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Principal Ahmet Erol, Alumni Representative and Mahmut Sami Ramazanoğlu Anatolian Imam Hatip High School teacher Mediha Arıkan, Student Representative Sıdıka Biceğez for their contributions.