Faculty Members Attended a Project Meeting in Greece

Tarih 08.02.2024
Birim Academy of Applied Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The second international meeting of the project titled "Innovative Model of Learning STEM in Secondary Schools" coordinated by our university within the scope of Erasmus+ Partnerships for Cooperation in School Education (KA220-SCH) was held in Kavala, Greece.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa KOCAOĞLU and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şemseddin GÜNDÜZ, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Management Information Systems, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yakup YILMAZ, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, attended the meeting hosted by IEK KAVALAS.

What is STEM?

STEM is a learning, application and development approach that integrates four disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is a teaching philosophy that brings these four disciplines together and offers real-world teaching methods to solve problems and integrate them into an interdisciplinary program. Rather than educating students in any one of these fields, STEM education combines these four disciplines with a hands-on approach so that students have a career and are better equipped to consider real-world applications. STEM Education focuses on project-based learning in the classroom. It offers real-time applications and learning experiences. Students apply the various areas of STEM in a way that helps them make a connection between the classroom and the world around them.

