Faculty of Law Unit Quality Student Commission 2024 First Meeting

Tarih 13.06.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The Faculty of Law Unit Quality Student Commission held its first meeting of 2024. At the meeting, commission members were introduced and the commission's work plan was discussed.

In the meeting, the Unit Internal Evaluation Report for 2023 was also discussed and the commission members' opinions on the report were received. It was evaluated that the report contains important information about the faculty's educational activities and student satisfaction and is a valuable resource for the development of the faculty.

The Commission also agreed that it will carry out various activities throughout 2024 to contribute to the improvement of the faculty's quality of education and training. These activities include organizing student surveys, evaluating course content and methods, submitting suggestions to the faculty administration and organizing student events.

The meeting ended with questions and comments from the commission members.