Faculty's Fight Against Poverty

Tarih 24.10.2022
Birim Faculty of Dentistry
SDG No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being

Food scholarship support is provided to students in our faculty. In 2022, a total of 15 students were provided with scholarship support by faculty members, assistants and volunteers with the knowledge and follow-up of the dean's office. Students who could not be given scholarship support were directed to the necessary institutions where they could receive scholarships.
Dentistry is a department where the financial burden is high for students. In many institutions, students are given the materials to be used in applied courses. However, in our faculty, 4th and 5th. Students who receive hands-on training in the classroom are given the materials they will use in their applications by our faculty.
In 2022, two of our students were provided with the opportunity to work part-time by the university and the training program was organized within this scope.