Fieldwork in Tourist Guidance

Tarih 05.12.2022
Birim Faculty of Tourism
SDG Quality Education

Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Guidance, Assist. Under the coordination of Prof. Hasan Ali Erdoğan, Konya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, Konya Metropolitan Municipality Tourism Directorate and Konya Tourism Inc. Field Study under Tourist Guidance was carried out before the "Şeb-i Aruz 2022" program. With the study, 30 students from the Department of Tourism Guidance were trained at the Panorama Museum by Professional Tourist Guide Yunus Güneş working within the Konya Metropolitan Municipality for 1 day about how to carry out guidance services in the field and important details in the profession.  
With the field study, students have developed their planning and operation knowledge, manners and skills at the theoretical level, and it is aimed that they will be ready for field applications.