Fighting Addiction and the Legal Dimension

Tarih 27.12.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education

Dr. in the Department of Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Faculty of Nursing. Lecturer Member Nesibe GÜNAY MOLU and Res. See. The conference, moderated by Fatma YENER ÖZCAN, was held on December 20, 2022 in the Asım Duman Conference Hall with the participation of 184 people. Supreme Court of Appeals 10th Criminal Investigation Judge Resul ÖZCAN and Beyhekim Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Alcohol and Substance Treatment Center (ÇAMATEM) Responsible Nurse Ahmed Çelik SAMETOĞLU attended as speakers. At the conference, topics such as types of addiction, knowing the legal dimension of addiction, changes made in the legal dimension, treatment of addicted individuals, and what can be done in society starting from the individual were discussed.